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Students needing to complete an assessment for OPE电子竞技官网 course placement are required to have an OPE电子竞技官网 Student Identification Number, 可透过选择“APPLY按钮,在所有世纪挑战集团网页屏幕的右上角.

一旦学生提交申请,OPE电子竞技官网就会对其进行审查,  学生会收到一封电子邮件,提供有关他们OPE电子竞技官网申请的信息. Students can then call the OPE电子竞技官网 Contact Center (531-622-2400) 24–48 hours later to receive their OPE电子竞技官网 ID number.

All students needing to complete a placement assessment are required to provide proof of identity. 该ID必须实际存在, 没有过期的,  州或政府颁发的身份证(驾驶执照), 护照, 等.照片ID不能是图像、副本、打印输出、照片或快照.


OPE电子竞技官网 Testing Center staff administer the various assessments for placement free of charge to new students planning to attend Metropolitan 社区 College. 分班评估列在下面,由学生的需求决定. If a student is not sure what placement assessment they may require they should call the Contact Center at 531-622-2400 和 they will assist in determining which assessment is needed or scheduling an appointment with an Success Navigator or Academic Advisor if further assistance is required.

Prospective students that are currently enrolled in high school or home schooled will complete the Writing Sample Essay 和 Accuplacer Math assessment for course placement.

  • 在过去两年内有ACT成绩吗
  • 你的高中累积绩点是2分.8 (B-)或更高
  • 在过去两年内通过大学英语课程,成绩为C或更高
  • 从其他机构获得大学学分


学生开始数学序列的基础上,各种安置措施. 高中应届毕业生(过去两年内),总平均成绩不低于2分.8 or better may place into college-level courses without taking a placement exam give the following criteria:

*No placement assessment or pre-requisite course is needed for Math 1220, 1240, or 1242 or FINA 1000.

*数学1300:高中完成一年代数I, 代数2, 和几何, C或以上.

*数学1305, 1312, 或1410年:高中完成四年数学课程,从代数I开始, C或以上

格, ACT和SAT成绩可用于三年内的安置.

Students who are more than two years out of high school or college may also qualify to place into a college-level course upon review of high-school 和/or college transcripts by the Math Department.


学生根据安置措施开始英语课程. The OPE电子竞技官网 English Writing Sample is the placement measure for students hoping to take ENGL classes at OPE电子竞技官网. 写作样本提供了在最合适的课程中安置的最佳途径. 联系测试中心的工作人员安排一个时间来接受写作样本.



The Writing Sample Essay is used to identify the highest-level English class that a student may place into within OPE电子竞技官网's English courses.

Students are allowed 2 hours to read a short article 和 write (type) their response to the question proposed in the Writing Sample Essay instructions. 然后由英语教师在3个工作日内评分. 学生们应该花时间仔细阅读. 只有在获得英语系教务长授权的情况下才允许重修课程.


ALEKS(知识空间的评估与学习) 是一个基于web的, artificially intelligent assessment 和 learning system that uses adaptive questioning to quickly 和 accurately determine exactly what a student knows 和 doesn't know in a subject.

亚历克斯PPL(安置, 准备, 和 学习) accurately measures a student's math readiness 和 repairs learning loss via web-based 和 self-paced skill building. 一个ALEKS PPL帐户是 有效期一年 和 provides students 5 assessments (initial 和 4 retakes) in an effort to improve their placement score (如果有必要的话). All five assessments must be completed within one year from the time the student registers for an ALEKS PPL account.


  • 不计时-没有时间限制,平均完成时间1.5 - 2小时.
  • 最多30个问题.
  • 禁止使用个人计算器、平板电脑或手机.


  • Prospective students that are currently enrolled in high school or home schooled will complete the Accuplacer English 和 Math assessments for course placement.

  • 下一代替代品: 英语和数学分班考试的计算机评估. The average time to complete this test is two hours or less; 然而, it is not timed. 该评估在所有校园/中心地点提供.
  • 同伴: This assessment test is only for persons needing DSS accommodations 和 can be given by appointment only at all testing locations. This exam is a proportionally comparable written version of the computerized Accuplacer assessment. 要符合资格, 学生必须有残疾证明,并看到OPE电子竞技官网 DSS顾问的建议. 这个测试以纸笔形式提供, 大字版, 一个盲文版本和一个音频CD版本. 学生可以一起参加英语和数学部分,也可以分开参加,也可以不参加. 考试使用试卷、答题纸、草稿纸和答题卡完成. 2笔. Calculators are not authorized for use with the Companion Exam when completing Arithmetic 和 Elementary Algebra problems unless noted in DSS accommodations. Accuplacer Companion没有设定完成测试的时间限制.


如果英语是学生的第二语言, the student must first meet with an OPE电子竞技官网 Academic Advisor or Counselor located in Student Services. This meeting is to decide which type of testing is required based on student's individual needs 和 requirements. 有两种不同的评估可供非母语英语课程学生使用:

  • Accuplacer英语: 这是一个电脑化的非母语英语课程语言使用, 和非母语英语课程句子意义分班评估项目只针对英语进行管理. 世纪挑战集团使用 英语听、英语阅读 技能, 非母语英语课程语言使用 英语课程安排. 非母语英语课程 WritePlacer (an additional short writing sample) may also be required if there is a question as to an underst和ing of a required skill set. 参加此分班考试的平均完成时间约为三个小时. 然而,参加这个考试没有实际的时间限制. 示例测试可以使用突出显示的链接找到 非母语英语课程 Accuplacer非母语英语课程 WritePlacer.
  • 同伴英语: The Companion 非母语英语课程 placement test is only for nonnative English speaking individuals who require the 非母语英语课程 Companion with DSS accommodations. 本能力考试只能在任何考试地点预约进行. The exam is a proportionally comparable written version of the computerized Accuplacer 非母语英语课程 assessment. 要符合资格, 学生必须有残疾证明,并看到OPE电子竞技官网 DSS顾问的建议. 这个测试有纸笔版本, 大字体的纸笔版本, 一个盲文版本和一个音频CD版本. 考试通过使用试卷、答题纸、草稿纸和“No”来完成. 2笔. 伴读非母语英语课程没有测试完成的时间限制. Companion 非母语英语课程 uses the same practice tests that are used with the computerized Accuplacer 非母语英语课程 exam. 示例测试可以使用突出显示的链接找到 非母语英语课程 Accuplacer非母语英语课程 WritePlacer.


The Accuplacer 和 Companion can only be taken twice within any given two (2) year time period. 要参加第二次考试,学生必须与老师联系并交谈 世纪挑战集团顾问, 谁, 在回顾了初始分数之后, 可以推荐, 批注和批准学生的请求或需要在同事重考. It is recommended 然而 that all students complete a period of review prior to taking or retaking an assessment using the Accuplacer学习应用程序.


Course placement is evaluated by the results of each student's testing abilities in the areas of Math, 阅读与写作. 以获得更有效和准确的技能定位, all students are encouraged to complete a review (if available) of their academic skills prior to taking the placement exam.

下一代Accuplacer和伴侣Accuplacer use the same study application which is tailored to specifically help students become more prepared to test. 可以在 Accuplacer学习应用. There are a variety of other web based test taking tools 和 study preparation resources available for use as well. 如果使用Accuplacer学习应用程序以外的应用程序, 备考应只注重阅读理解, 写作和数学部分的准备材料. 如果您对使用Accuplacer学习应用程序有任何疑问,请与任何 世纪挑战学习辅导中心.

亚历克斯数学评估 没有官方的复习来源,但学生可以访问任何一个 OPE电子竞技官网数学中心 并利用 数学复习计划.

写作样文评估 此时没有官方或非官方的审查.


SmarterMeasure 是否有一个可选的评估来衡量学习者的准备程度. 它将帮助你为成为一名成功的学生做好准备. 在SmarterMeasure上,你的猜测不会被扣分, 然而, 你仍然需要回答评估中的每一个问题. smartmeasure完成后, you will receive a score report which will not only help you underst和 your strengths 和 opportunities for improvement, 同时也会提供帮助你成功的资源. 记住,这个评估完全是为了你的利益. 花点时间诚实地评价自己.


分院成绩发布申请程序: Students wishing to have their placement scores released to other educational institutions must follow the instructions found on the 分班成绩 网页.



世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcenterevc@ivantseng.com


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcenterfoc@ivantseng.com
校园电话: 531-622-2204


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcenterfrc@ivantseng.com
校园电话: 531-622-3000


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcentersrp@ivantseng.com
校园电话: 531-622-3803


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcentersoc@ivantseng.com
校园电话: 531-622-4613