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Library Databases & Canvas

从图书馆的研究数据库的内容可以添加到画布课程页面, 要么通过嵌入Canvas LTI(学习工具互操作性)工具,要么通过发布直接链接. This allows instructors to share articles, eBooks, streaming videos, and other resources with students.

有关向Canvas添加数据库内容的帮助,请联系OPE电子竞技官网 Canvas支持 or 531-OPE电子竞技官网-2834.


辅助技术用户注意:下面的选项卡是可点击的. They are displayed in a list. 一旦你在你想要探索的项目上,按空格键激活它.

  • LTI: EBSCO databases
  • LTI: Other databases
  • Database links
  • Video links

按照以下说明从EBSCOhost数据库(学术搜索完成)嵌入记录, Business Source Elite, eBooks, etc.) or Discovery (see What's Included in Discovery?).

  1. Click Add item (plus symbol) to add an item to your module.
    对话框,显示示例模块文本,右上角有添加按钮, 使用B键导航并到达此位置.

  2. Use the drop-down list to select External Tool.

  3. 从可用的外部工具列表中选择您的库数据库.
    After selecting the external tool from the dropdown, 将出现一个链接列表,其中包含要添加的可用项, such as EBSCO databases and and electude. Navigate by Unvisited Links to reach this location.

  4. 选中后,您将看到数据库的搜索界面. (Note the scroll bar on the right. 向下滚动可以显示其他高级搜索选项.)
    包含多个文本框和组合框的数据库搜索屏幕, allowing for elaborate searches. Navigate by form fields to reach this location

  5. Results may include articles from academic journals, news sources, streaming videos, and other sources.
    Results screen popup. 通过链接导航或使用链接列表对话框查看结果.

  6. Before linking to a record, 点击标题,阅读屏幕最下方的版权声明. 一些出版商不允许将他们的内容链接到指定的课程材料. If so, please do not link it. 请看哈佛商业评论下面的版权声明.
    Other publishers allow linking. 参见《ope客户端》(Newsweek)的版权声明,它并没有明确禁止这种做法.
    Newsweek copyright notice

  7. 选择内容后,可以使用 +Add button to embed the content into your module.
    Add button next to heading result. 通过标题导航以达到所需的结果,然后按tab键到达添加按钮

  8. Click the Add Item 按钮,然后发布该项以完成将其添加到模块.
    在按钮旁边添加项目对话框,显示结果的标题标题. 按标题导航,然后按Tab或右箭头或按按钮导航以到达此位置

  9. 添加的内容现在可以在学生模块中使用.

按照以下说明嵌入以下数据库中的记录:学术视频在线, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, Films on Demand, Gale eBooks, Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Gale Literature Resource Center, Gale Literature LitFinder, and World Religions.

  1. While in Rich Content Editor, select Tools > Apps > View All (or use the Apps shortcut in the toolbar).
    对话框,其中包含类似于Microsoft Word的编辑带和菜单栏,工具位于其中. 查看全部在工具菜单的底部,或者你可以在菜单中按一次V

  2. 滚动以从列表中选择一个数据库,或使用搜索功能筛选列表. 注意:要嵌入学术视频在线视频,请从菜单中选择亚历山大街.
    Results dialog containing the heading All Apps, 以及与搜索结果相关的标题和链接

  3. 选中后,您将看到数据库搜索界面.
    搜索屏幕包含一个可编辑的下拉对话框. Navigate. by form fields to reach this edit box. 可以使用箭头键从自动完成列表中选择项目. Then, tab to the Search button.

  4. 结果可能包括文章、新闻来源和其他内容.
    Results list window, results are available as links. 请通过未访问的链接导航或使用元素对话框导航结果

  5. 一旦您选择了要嵌入到Canvas中的记录, use the Embed Document button to insert it.
    嵌入按钮位于页面顶部附近. Navigate by buttons to reach it

  6. Save and Publish 学生可查看的图书馆数据库内容项.
    Dialog showing published materials. 通过按钮导航到Publish,并通过空格来激活它

按照以下说明为数据库记录生成链接. In some cases, 你需要在URL的前缀加上图书馆的代理服务器编码,以允许校外访问.


要在发现、EBSCO电子书或EBSCOhost数据库中生成永久链接,请单击 Permalink on the tools menu on the far right. The permalink will appear above the title. 该链接将自动包含库的代理服务器编码.

EBSCO permalink

Nexis Uni

  1. 转到文档标题的右侧,单击链接图标.
    Click the link icon
  2. The URL will display in a pop-up window. Prefix it with the Library's proxy server coding. See the following example:
    • Record URL: d844 - 4829 b83a - 4601 c16eef42/?context=1516831
    • Library proxy server coding:
    • Final URL: d844 - 4829 b83a - 4601 c16eef42/?context=1516831

Oxford English Dictionary

  1. Copy the URL in your browser's address bar. 只需要把它复印一份,并包括参赛号码.
  2. 以图书馆的代理服务器编码作为URL的前缀,以允许校外访问. See the following example:
    • Record URL:
    • Library proxy server coding:
    • Final URL:


  1. Copy the URL in your browser's address bar.
  2. 以图书馆的代理服务器编码作为URL的前缀,以允许校外访问. See the following example:
    • Record URL:
    • Library proxy server coding:
    • Completed URL:

Wall Street Journal

Click All Options on the far right.

All Options

The URL will display in a pop-up window. 它已经包含了库的代理服务器的代码.


Women & Social Movements in the United States

Click Embed/Link. The URL will display in a pop-up window. 它已经包含了库的代理服务器的代码.

Embed/Link and URL

按照以下说明为流媒体视频生成链接或嵌入代码. In some cases, 你需要在URL的前缀加上图书馆的代理服务器编码,以允许校外访问.

To embed a video in Canvas:

  1. Copy the video embed code
  2. Add a New Page, Module or Assignment in Canvas
  3. 单击屏幕右上方的HTML Editor
  4. Past the embed code in the HTML Editor
  5. Click Save

Academic Video Online

To link or embed a video, click Share on the video page. 下一个屏幕将同时显示永久链接和嵌入代码. 这两个链接都已经包含了库的代理服务器的代码.

Academic Video Online share link

Digital Theatre+

Embedding is not available. To link a video:

  1. 打开视频,然后复制浏览器地址栏中的URL.
  2. 以图书馆的代理服务器编码作为URL的前缀,以允许校外访问. See the following example:
    • Video URL:
    • Library proxy server coding:
    • Final URL:
Digital Theatre+ URL


To link or embed a video, click Embed beneath the video window. 下一个屏幕将显示嵌入代码和永久链接. 这两个链接都已经包含了库的代理服务器的代码.

Docuseek embed link

Films on Demand

To embed or link a video, click Share on the video page, then select Embed/Link in the pop-up window. 这两个链接都已经包含了库的代理服务器的代码.



To embed or link a video, click the Share 视频页面上的按钮,然后向下滚动并选择其中一个 Share or Embed. 这两个链接都已经包含了库的代理服务器的代码.


Microsoft Stream

Embedding is not available. To link a video, click Share on the video page.


The URL will display in a pop-up window.

Microsoft stream URL
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