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FA Appeal Assistance

Schedule an appointment:

Schedule an appointment to meet with your academic advisor or, 如果适用的话, DSS or advocacy counselor. This will be a one-hour appointment. 要准备好!

Do not wait until the last minute to make an appointment. Appointments fill up fast this time of year.  Financial aid SAP appeals cannot be completed via drop-in assistance.


1. In preparation of your Financial aid SAP appointment, you will need to do the following:

  • Confirm your academic program and catalog year.  You can find your academic program and catalog year by going to MyWay, myservice, Academic Profile, MyProfile. You can update your major by calling the Contact Center at 531-622-2400 or by contacting your academic advisor.
  • Print a copy of your academic evaluation by going to MyWay, myservice, Academic Profile, Academic Evaluation
  • Complete ACCUPLACER/ACT testing if you have not completed the math and Level 1 English requirements for your program and your ACCUPLACER/ACT scores are more than two years old. Schedule your compass assessment by calling the Testing Center location nearest to you.
  • Type (do not hand write) a statement addressing the following three items:
    • Identify the term(s) where you were unsuccessful
    • Discuss the circumstances that were beyond your control, which contributed to being unsuccessful in the term(s) identified above.
    • Identify and explain the steps you have taken since that time, which will enable you to be successful going forward.
  • Collect documentation to support the information you include in your typed statement about the circumstances contributing to your unsuccessful term(s).
  • Input your courses to Student Planning. Complete instructions on how to do this can be found in the What is Student Planning document.


2. Bring the following documents with you to your appointment:

  • Satisfactory Academic Appeal Form
  • Written statement
  • Supporting documentation
  • Copy of academic evaluation
  • Be prepared to pull your student plan up in MyWay using the Student Planning tool


3. In the appointment you can expect to do the following with your Academic Advisor:

  • Review your Student Plan and make any needed revisions
  • Assist with any Student Planning Questions and make sure students are properly in Student Planning
  • Get additional questions answered about the Financial aid appeal process
  • Discuss strategies for success


学生 without an appointment, who drop in for Financial Appeal assistance can expect the following help:

  • Review and clarification of the instructions for the appeal
  • Instructions for how access Student Planning
  • A list of items needed needed for their follow up appointment (i.e. written statement, documentation, academic evaluation, appeal paperwork)
  • Review whether or not the student will need to complete any ACCUPLACER testing prior to appointment
  • Teach student how to access academic evaluation on MyWay
  • Confirm degree program and catalog year
  • Discuss academic program options